Our Experience
Since 2006, SounDivide has been providing in-depth technical support for all of the acoustical product lines we represent. We provide acoustical knowledge and expertise for our customers through every phase of a project from design to construction, along with supporting our distribution partners in all our markets across Canada.
What we do
We work with design and specifications teams to ensure that the right acoustical products provide the right acoustical solutions for acoustically rated walls (STC & ASTC), acoustical ceilings (NRC & AC), and acoustical floor-ceiling assemblies (IIC). We pride ourselves on providing support during the design and construction process to ensure that our clients and customers have all the knowledge required for successful installation.
Our Network Of Canadian Acoustic Consulting Firms
SounDivide has an established network of acoustical consulting firms in place across Canada. These firms can provide input on design and construction along with post-construction field testing to measure real world performance. We would be pleased to connect you with one or more acoustical consultants in our network who can provide you with guidance for your project.

Acoustical Product Manufacturers
If you are a manufacturer of an innovative acoustical product and are seeking representation in Canada, please feel free to connect
with us by phone or by email. SounDivide currently has offices in place in Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto.